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Tens algum projeto que gostarias de divulgar? Então este é o lugar ideal para o fazer, sejas uma fanbase ou ARMY a título individual!

Vê aqui como podes festejar o aniversário do JIMIN!
Mensagens para o JIMIN
No sentido de partilhar a felicidade que é celebrar o aniversário do nosso querido Jimin, criámos uma caixa de correio (fictícia, claro!) para vocês poderem deixar-lhe as vossas mensagens de aniversário. Frases curtas, de preferência em português. Para isso, basta escreverem a vossa mensagem nos comentários da nossa conta do Twitter. À medida que formos recebendo, vamos publicando aqui.
Ficamos à espera das vossas mensagens!

Park Jimin. the person that made me see that I’m more than just a pretty face. the person that makes feel butterflies in my stomach every single time he smiles. Thank you, Park Jimin, for making me love myself a little bit more every day. Thank you for teaching me that clothes have no gender, for teaching me what love means, for teaching me how to dance and how to fall in love with it. Thank you, Park Jimin for being the most beautiful soul that this world has. The biggest and happy birthday to you, lovely boy. I’ll love you until my afterlife ends.
I never really know what to say, especially today that is Jimin. I hope you never stop being the cute and charming person you are. You are special and don't let anyone steal your brilliance and charm. I will always be by your side and support you even though I am miles away. Just remain who you are, continue at your pace. No matter how long it takes you to get there, just follow your path at your own pace. Continue to shine and have fun with your cuteness and your contagious joy. I will always love you.
Jimin I want to wish you the happiest birthday ever. Hope you can enjoy your day with your family and friends. I thank god everyday for having you in my life and being my biggest supporter. Remember that I’ll always be here for you and please never doubt yourself... You’re the most amazing, hardworking, kind, lovely person I know. Thank you... Thank you for existing. I love you very much!
PARABÉNS, querido Jimin! Tem sido incrível ver-te crescer estes últimos anos e sem dúvida estou muito grata por o poder fazer. Espero que continues a espalhar essa energia doce e incrível, que só tu a tens, pelo mundo. Obrigada por me fazeres sorrir e me inspirares a ser melhor todos os dias. I love you so much, Happy Birthday!


Meu Doce Jimin, Existem mil motivos para eu admirar o teu trabalho, mas existem ainda mais motivos para ser tua fã, e quanto mais leio e descubro sobre ti, mais certeza tenho que mereces a minha admiração. Não sei se te irei "conhecer", mas enquanto eu viver estarei sempre a apoiar-te. És um verdadeiro ídolo e eu serei sempre a tua fã.
Happy Birthday Jimin! I'm writing this message/text with the hope that gets to you. Even if you can't read, I'm going to write every year hopping that one day you'll be able to read and feel the admiration i have for you and BTS. I'm Just a portuguese army that in you guys is inspired and that in your songs cries, laughs, smile, is inspired and above all gain strength, inspiration and self-love. One of my dreams is that BTS come to Portugal.. so I can go to a BTS show and feel the magic that is to be in a concert of yours I love and I'm a fan, of all BTS members, with all my heart but you (Jimin) are my utt and bias, not because I love you more than the rest of the boys but because I identify with your personality and I look like some aspects of your personality: as you am very affectionate, kind and protective with my friends and family, I'm also very perfectionists and I put a lot of pressure on myself because I don't disappoint anyone, as you too I'm very clumsy and I'm always messing with my hair and biting my lips, so I understand you very well, what you feel when the boys makes fun of you. Because of that I'm also like you, when I fall in love with something I dedicated myself to 100%, and when I can't do that or happens something bad related to it, I get frustrated and irritated with myself, but I never give up. In my opinion, you were born to be on stage and performing...when you dance it is so beautiful and fluid that your body looks like it moves like water or wind. It's so natural and wonderful. I just want you know that we'll always be here for you no matter what happens and we understand and it's normal to make mistakes or sometimes you're not at your best because you're either sick or something just didn't go well but we, armys, are very proud of you, of your work and it's inspiring to see your dedication and strength in all performances and you never give up. We are here always to support you, love you and give you strength like you always do with us. Moreover, I'm very proud of you... of the incredible, strong, dedicated, faithful, talented, wonderful person you are. I wish you the best in the world and that you always be healthy and safe, especially now because of the pandemic. Be always happy and never miss that beautiful smile that you have because, when you smile, the world is much happier and beautiful. Remember "you nice keep going" and that your fans loves you so much. I hope one day I can see BTS live... until then, I am on this side always supporting you guys! I purple you soo much!

Happy Birthday Jimin-ssiii! First of all, I would like to thank you for everything. You are very important to me, one of the biggest reasons for my smile most of the time. I found in you a new way of seeing things that I never expected to notice and you ended up being a great inspiration to me. Keep smiling and being who you are! I Love You So Much!

Happy birthday to the person who makes me smile the most. Happy birthday to the person who most makes me feel good in this world. Happy birthday to my biggest support. Happy birthday to the person who gives me strength every day. Happy birthday to my love. I thank you every day for being in my life, I thank you for being who you are and for making me fall in love with you a little bit more every day. Sorry if unfortunately I can't protect you from all the bad things in the world ... This year was a very complicated year, it just didn't come out as we were all thinking, but I promise that things will get better! And I hope to see you at least one more time, and I am genuinely happy. But this year was also good in some ways and I just hope I made you proud, I hope everything I did was good! Everything I do is for you. I try my best to repay everything you've done for me, even if I don't know, but that's impossible, I'll never be able to repay what you’ve done for me I really hope I made you proud this year. Can’t wait to see you again! I love you to the moon and back..... several times.
Happy birthday, Jiminie! I'm really thankful for having an angel like you in my life for already 3 years, because you never fail to make me smile. I hope you have an amazing birthday, full of love, fun and laughter! I love you so much, and I'm proud of you everyday!

Jimin, I don't have enough words to express how much you mean to me, but you are the purest, kindest, most beautiful angel that i know. Your existence helps me get through the though times and my ups and downs. Thank you for teaching my to never give up and to pursue my dreams. Thank you for teaching me to not be scared of being myself and to love myself you are my light and you make me smile more. I love you! Happy birthday cutie, sexy, lovely, lovely, lovely, baby mochi!

Parabéns Jimin-ssi! Tu és muito precioso para mim, foste uma das poucas pessoas que me deu uma luz ao fundo do túnel. És um menino carinhoso e fofo, simpático e extrovertido, as tuas brincadeiras são as que me tiram mais risadas, és um príncipe e não existem palavras para descrever o que sinto por ti, meu bebé lindo está fazendo 25 aninhos e eu estou muito orgulhoso de ti! Eu te amo tanto. Espero que tenhas um dia super feliz. Feliz aniversário, Jimin-ah!

Parabéns ao dono do sorriso mais bonito, da alma mais pura, bondosa e humilde, de uma parte do meu coração. Minmin, o mundo é teu, now go take it and make the most out of it. I love you pitiquinho!

아미의 하루하루가 되어줘서 고마워. Thanks for being with ARMY every day.

Dear Jimin, I write you this letter in hope my message gets to you. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all the hard work you have been doing, I love your work as an artist and love/respect you as an individual, so I want to thank you for all the moments of happiness you have given me and I hope many more come in the future. I also want to say that it's alright if you don't feel confident or doubt how well you did, sometimes those thoughts get to us and it's alright, it's normal to feel like that but I can assure you that no matter what happens we will be there for you. We want your happiness and well-being above all things, so please respect your body and it's limites and don't try to force yourself just for us. We love you no matter what!
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